

单词 Latent defect
释义 潛在的缺點
A flaw, fault, imperfection or irregularity not readily observable or easily discovered; not patent. Such a defect only comes to light when it causes an accident.
Maritime law - In marine insurance, a defect in a ship’s hull or machinery which could not be discovered in spite of careful examination by responsible persons, who are reasonably careful and skilled in that matter. It does not mean latent to the eye, but to the senses, ie, it may be hammer-tested, or there may be any other test. The extent of examinations taken is a matter of degree. It is not necessary to use every possible method to discover whether a latent defect exists: Charles Brown & Co Ltd & Ors v Nitrate Producers’ SS Co [1937] 58 Ll L Rep 188. A carrier or the ship shall not be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from latent defects in the ship not discoverable by due diligence: Hague-Visby Rules art 4 r 2(p). Whether a shipowner will be protected by the latent defect does not depend on whether he has used due diligence to find a latent defect. In that case, the question really is whether it is a defect latent, because it is not latent it is not a defect which protects the defendant even if he has used due diligence: Charles Brown & Co Ltd & Ors v Nitrate Producers’ SS Co, supra. See also Marine Insurance policy.
Product liability - A defect in a product that is not apparent on a reasonable examination of it, or that only becomes manifest after a period of use. Such a defect only comes to light when it causes an accident: Chan Kit Man (Administrator of the Estate of Fan Siu Kai, the (dec’d)) v Rayable Consultants Ltd (t/a Tat Ming Engineering Service Co) & Or and Ajax Engineering & Surveryors Ltd [1999] 2 HKLRD 577 (CA); Wong Ting & Anor v Yuen Hing Kwan & Anor [1979] HKLR 396 (HC). In relation to sale of goods by sample there is an implied condition that the goods shall be free from any defect, rendering them unmerchantable, which would not be apparent on reasonable examination of the sample: Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) s 17(2)(c). However, the parties may agree that a fixed period of trial, without the discovery of any unfitness of the goods, is to be conclusive: Sharp v Great Western Rly Co (1841) 9 M & W 7. The latent defect in products also extends to building: Bank of East Asia Ltd v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd & Ors [2000] 1 HKC 1, 1 HKLRD 268 (CFA). See also Product liability.
海事法 - 就海上保險而言,儘管由合理地+謹慎及熟練的負責人進行小心檢驗,船體或船舶機械缺點仍不可能被發現者。潛在缺點並非指肉眼看不見的,而是潛在於判斷力的,即使用測試,或其他可能作出的測試。測試範圍是程度問題。沒有規定須要使用每一種可能使用的方法,從而發現到底有沒有潛在缺點:Charles Brown & Co Ltd & Ors v Nitrate Producers’ SS Co [1937] 58 Ll L Rep 188。承運人或船隻無須為潛在缺點所引起的損失或損害負責,即盡了應盡的努力後仍不可能被發現的潛在缺點:《海牙 ─ 維斯比規則》第4條第2(p)條規則。船主會否得到潛在缺點保護,並不取決於他是否已盡了應盡的努力去發現潛在缺點。就該種情況而言,爭議點是問題到底是否潛在缺點,因為如果不是潛在的問題,缺點不能保護被告人,就算他已盡了應盡的努力:Charles Brown & Co Ltd & Ors v Nitrate Producers’ SS Co, 見上文。另見 Marine Insurance policy。
產品法律責任 - 對產品進行合理檢驗時並不明顯的缺點,或只有在使用一段時間後才顯現的缺點。該缺點只有在它引起意外後才顯現:Chan Kit Man (Administrator of the Estate of Fan Siu Kai, the (dec’d)) v Rayable Consultants Ltd (t/a Tat Ming Engineering Service Co) & Or and Ajax Engineering & Surveryors Ltd [1999] 2 HKLRD 577(上訴法院); Wong Ting & Anor v Yuen Hing Kwan & Anor [1979] HKLR 396 (高等法院)。憑樣本售貨的合約包含有隱含條件,即貨品必須並無任何令其不可商售且不會在對樣本進行合理檢驗時顯現的缺點。《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第17(2)(c)條。然而,合約各方可協議,在固定試用期限內如沒有發現貨品的不合格之處,該結果即可作定論:Sharp v Great Western Rly Co (1841) 9 M & W 7。產品潛在缺點的法律延伸致建築物上:Bank of East Asia Ltd v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd & Ors [2000] 1 HKC 1, 1 HKLRD 268 (終審法院)。另見 Product liability。




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