

单词 Company
释义 公司
An association of a number of persons with a common object or objects. It usually denotes a business or professional association. The term has no strict legal meaning: Re Stanley [1906] 1 Ch 131. ‘Company’ is broader than ‘corporation’, referring to unincorporated groups organised as joint ventures or joint stock companies. It can also be used to refer to unincorporated partnerships and collectives. ‘Company’ means a company formed and registered under the Companies Ordinance: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 2(1). See also Corporation; Joint venture; No liability company; Partnership; Proprietary company; Private company; Public company; Unlimited company.
一群人組織團體並且擁有共同的宗旨及目的。通常是指商業或專業的組織。此詞匯並沒有嚴格的法律解釋:Re Stanley [1906] 1 Ch 131。「公司」的意思較「法團」的意思廣泛,法團可指毋須註冊的聯營關係或合股公司。「公司」意指按照《公司條例》成立及登記的公司:《公司條例》(第32章)第2(1)條。另見 Corporation; Joint Venture; No liability company; Partnership; Proprietary company; Private company; Public company; Unlimited company。n.




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