

单词 Compellability of spouses
释义 強迫配偶提供證據
The extent to which a court can require the husband or wife of a party to legal proceedings to attend the court and give evidence in those proceedings. At common law, the spouse of a party could not be compelled and was not competent to give evidence for or against a party: Bentley v Cooke (1784) 99 ER 729. The statute modifies the common law rules. In proceedings other than criminal proceedings, the statute renders spouses both competent and compellable both for and against other: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 5. In criminal proceedings, husband and wife is not competent or compellable to give evidence for or against the other: s 6. One of the exceptions is that husband or wife of the person so charged shall be a competent witness for the defence: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 54(1). The second exception is that the spouse of a person charged with an offence listed in sch 2 may be called to give evidence on behalf of the prosecution or the defence without the consent of the accused: s 57. The third exception to the rule is that a wife or husband shall be competent to give evidence either for the defence or prosecution, in the offences laid down in the Theft Ordinance: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 31(2). In criminal proceedings, a husband is not compellable to disclose any communication made to him by his wife during the marriage, or a wife is not compellable to disclose any communication made to her by her husband during the marriage: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 54(1). See also Compellable; Witness.
法庭強迫法律程序一方的丈夫或妻子到庭在法律程序中提供證據的程度。在普通法,法律程序一方的配偶不能被強迫(也沒有資格)為法律程序一方提供證據,或提供證據指證法律程序一方:Bentley v Cooke (1784) 99 ER 729。成文法修訂普通法的規則。在刑事法律程序以外的法律程序,成文法使配偶有資格並可予強迫提供證據或提供證據指證法律程序一方:《證據條例》(第8章)第5條。在刑事法律程序,丈夫或妻子不能被強迫(也沒有資格)提供證據或提供證據指證對方:第6條。第一個例外情況是被告的丈夫或妻子有資格作為辯方證人:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第54(1)條。第二個例外情況是任何人如被控附表2述及的罪行,其配偶可被傳召為控方證人或辯方證人而無需被控人同意:第57條。第三個例外情況是《盜竊罪條例》列出的罪行,丈夫或妻子有資格作為控方證人或辯方證人:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第31(2)條。在刑事法律程序中,不得強迫丈夫披露妻子在婚姻期間向其作出的任何通訊,亦不得強迫妻子披露丈夫在婚姻期間向其作出的任何通訊:《證據條例》(第8章)第54(1)條;《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第65(1)(b)條。另見 Compellable; Witness。




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