

单词 Reconveyance
释义 再轉易
A conveyance back to the person who originally conveyed the land: for example Whiteley v Delaney [1914] AC 132 (HL). The reconveyance is characteristic of mortgages, where under traditional mortgage, the mortgagee is subject only to one covenant: namely the covenant to re-convey the land on the repayment of debt and payment of interest within the specified time or any extension thereof: Sihombing & Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (2nd Ed) ch 13 p 779. See also Conveyance; Covenant; Mortgage; Mortgagee; Security.
一項轉易返回原本轉易土地的人身上:例如 Whiteley v Delaney [1914] AC 132。再轉易有按揭的特徵,在傳統按揭下,有關的承按人只受制於一份契諾:即在指定的時間內或任何有關的續期內償還債務及支付行,則構成再轉易土地的契諾:Sihombing & Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing(第2版)第13章,第779頁。另見 Conveyance; Covenant; Mortgage; Mortgagee; Security。n.




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