

单词 Foot or end of will
释义 遺囑末端或結尾
Prior to 3 November 1995, the position in a will or testamentary document where the signature of the testator should be placed, according to the formal requirement of will-making: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 5(1) r 1 (repealed) (13 March 1970 version). Since 3 November 1995, the position of the testator’s signature is not as critical as the intention to give effect to the terms of the will appearing on the face of the will: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 5(1). See also Acknowledgment; Attestation; Formalities; Signature.
1995年11月3日以前,根據制定遺囑在形式上的規定,立遺囑人在遺囑或遺囑性質文件上的簽署所應置的位置:《遺囑條例》(第30章)第5(1)條第1條規則(現已廢除)(1970年3月13日版本)。自1995年11月3 日以後,立遺囑人簽名的位置,並不如立遺囑人的意圖一樣重要,即立遺囑人須欲以在遺囑表面載有的遺囑條款生效的意圖:《遺囑條例》(第30章)第5(1)條。另見 Acknowledgment; Attestation; Formalities; Signature。




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