

单词 Forcible detainer
释义 強佔
1. Possession of any lands or tenements by force, such that the lawful entry of justices or others having a right to enter is barred or hindered. 2. The wrongful entry upon any lands or tenements in a violent manner. Also known as ‘forcible entry’. See also Forcible entry; Possession; Right of entry; Tenement.
1. 強行取得土地或物業單位的管有,致可合法進入或其他有權進入的人士被阻止或受到阻撓。  2. 以暴力的方式不當地進入土地或物業單位。另稱「強行進入」。另見 Forcible entry; Possession; Right of entry; Tenement。




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