

单词 Deviation
释义 偏航
A departure from the originally anticipated route.
Carriers - 1. A voluntary departure from the route agreed by parties to a charterparty, at any rate if wilful, constitutes a deviation: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 18(1), Maritime Law [250.733]. Subject to any express term of the charterparty, the shipowner impliedly agrees to proceed from the loading port to the port of discharge by the usual route: The Dunbeth [1897] P 133, 8 Asp MLC 284. Whether or not provided for by the charterparty, a deviation will be excusable to save life, to avoid the stress of weather or imminent danger: Scaramanga v Stamp (1880) 4 Asp MLC 295 (CA); Abbott’s Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen (14th Ed) 522. It is also excusable when the charterer has failed to provide a full and complete cargo for the vessel: Wallems Rederij A/S v WH Muller & Co Batavia [1927] 2 KB 99, 17 Asp MLC 226. A deviation that is not justifiable entitles the charterer to treat the charter as at an end, or to sue for damages. 2. In aviation, an emergency deviation from instructions given by air traffic control may only be made after the pilot has informed air traffic control of the intention to make it. See also Air traffic controller; Contract of carriage; Deviation rule; Shipowner.
Insurance - Departure from ‘the course of voyage that is specifically designated by the policy’ or ‘where the course of voyage is not specifically designated’, departure from ‘the usual and customary course’: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 46(2); The Tian Sheng No 8 [2000] 3 HKC 285 (CFA). Where a ship, without lawful excuse, deviates from the voyage contemplated by the policy, the insurer is discharged from liability as from the time of deviation, and it is immaterial that the ship may have regained its route before any loss occurs: s 46(1). Deviation may be excused, for instance, for the safety of this ship or for the purpose of saving human life: s 49. See also Deviation rule; Marine insurance policy.
承運人 -   1.指故意自動偏離租船合約各方所協議的航線,不論以任何程度而言,均構成偏航:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第18(1)冊,海事法,第 [250.733]段。在不抵觸任何租船合約中的明示條款的情況下,船東默示同意根據通常的航線由裝貨港航行至卸貨港:The Dunbeth [1897] P 133, 8 Asp MLC 284。無論租船合約是否有所規定,為拯救生命、避免惡劣天氣或迫切危險的偏航是可予寬宥的:Scaramanga v Stamp (1880) 4 Asp MLC 295 (芵國上訴法院);Abbott’s Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen (第14版)第 522頁。如承租人未能為船舶提交全面而完整的貨物,則偏航亦是可予寬宥的:Wallems Rederij A/S v WH Muller & Co Batavia [1927] 2 KB 99, 17 Asp MLC 226。沒有正當理由的偏航可以使承租人有權視有關的租船合約終結或提起尋求賠償的訴訟。  2. 就航空而言,僅可在有關的領港員已通知空中交通管理部門其偏航的意圖後,才可按照空中交通管理部門給予的指示作出緊急偏航。另見 Air traffic controller; Contract of carriage; Deviation rule; Shipowner。
保險法 -   指船舶駛離「保單就航程而特別指定的航行路線」,或「保單沒有就航程而特別指定的航行路線」,及指船舶駛離「通常及慣用的路」:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第46(2)條;The Tian Sheng No 8 [2000] 3 HKC 285 (終審法院)。凡船舶無合法辯解而偏離保單所預計的航程,保險人的法律責任由偏航時起獲得解除,至於該船舶可能已於任何損失發生之前折返其原來航線,亦不具關鍵性:第46(1)條。可為船舶的安全或為拯救人命的目的而寬宥偏航:第49條。另見 Deviation rule; Marine insurance policy。n.




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