

单词 Co-conspirator rule
释义 關於同謀的規則
The rule of evidence that statements by persons allegedly involved in a conspiracy, made in the absence of an accused but in furtherance of the conspiracy, are admissible against the accused in order to establish the accused’s participation in the conspiracy: R v Ma Hing Yip [1987] 1 HKC 154 (CA); HKSAR v Pang Tat Sing [1998] 1 HKC 604 (CA); HKSAR v Booth [1998] 1 HKLRD 890. It must be established that the conspiracy existed and that there is reasonable evidence, independent of those statements, of the accused’s participation in it before the evidence is admissible: R v Au Shui Yuen Alick [1993] 2 HKC 219; HKSAR v Pang Tat Shing, supra. See also Conspiracy.
證據規則規定指稱涉及串謀的人在被控人不在場但在進行串謀時所作的聲明,可接納作為證據指證被控人,以確定被控人曾參與串謀:R v Ma Hing Yip [1987] 1 HKC 154(上訴法院);HKSAR v Pang Tat Sing [1998] 1 HKC 604(上訴法院);HKSAR v Booth [1998] 1 HKLRD 890。必須證明串謀存在,而有合理證據(獨立於這些聲明以外的證據)證明被控人曾參與串謀,所作的聲明才可被接納作為證據:R v Au Shui Yuen Alick [1993] 2 HKC 219; HKSAR v Pang Tat Shing,見上文。另見 Conspiracy。




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