

单词 Particulars of sale
释义 買賣詳情
In a standard form contract for the sale and purchase of land, an accurate description of the property being sold, including the extent of the vendor’s interest. Generally, particulars of sale also include the details of the vendor and purchaser, the consideration payable, all the chattels that are to be sold with the property, and the dates of payments. The property may be described in any way sufficient to identify it. The tenure of the property should be stated: Re Russ and Brown’s Contract [1934] Ch 34 (CA). See also Chattel; Consideration; Contract; Particulars of title.
標準格式土地買賣合約中有關出售物業的正確資料,包括賣方的權益範圍。 一般而言,買賣詳情亦包括賣方及買方的資料、應付的代價、連同物業一併出售的所有實產,以及付款日期等。 物業可以任何足以識別它的方式描述。物業的保有形式亦應說明:Re Russ and Brown’s Contract [1934] Ch 34 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Chattel; Consideration; Contract; Particulars of title。




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