

单词 Charge over land
释义 土地押記
An encumbrance on real property which gives the chargee certain rights over the property as security for a loan. It involves no transfer of proprietary interest or transfer of possession. Instead the property can only be taken in possession by the chargee in default of repayment of the debt. A legal charge over land in Hong Kong must be made by deed: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 44(1). As a result, the chargee has the same rights and remedies as a common law mortgagee. An equitable charge created by deed will give these same rights to the equitable chargee. An equitable charge which is effected by the deposit of title deeds and an oral agreement to create a legal charge will not enable the chargee to exercise the full powers given by the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance. The only remedy of this equitable chargee will be that of foreclosure. See also Building contract; Caveat; Charge; Contractor; Covenant; Debt; Equitable charge; Mortgage; Proprietor.
於土地財產上的產權負擔,作為借款抵押,給予承押記人對該財產的某些權利。土地押記並不涉及所有權權益或管有權的轉移,承押記人僅可在債項的還款被拖欠時,取去土地財產的管有權。在香港,法定土地押記必須以契據設定:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第44(1)條。因此,承押人擁有如普通法承按人同樣的權利及補救方法。通過契據設定的衡平法押記,給予衡平法承押人同樣的權利。衡平法押記如產生自所有權契據的交存,或設定法定押記的口頭協議,該衡平法押記將不會容許承押人行使《物業轉易及財產條例》賦予的全部權力。衡平法承押人的唯一補救方法將僅只是取消回贖。另見 Building contract; Caveat; Charge; Contractor; Covenant; Debt; Equitable charge; Mortgage; Proprietor。




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