

单词 Partial intestacy
释义 局部/部分無遺囑
The status of a testator having died and left a will that does not dispose of all the testator’s estate. Partial intestacy occurs where the testator’s will, though partly effective, either altogether fails to dispose of some specific property of his; or having purported to dispose of all his property, has failed to dispose effectively of some interest which has arisen in consequence of the will, as for instance a reversionary interest (Re McKee, Public Trustee v McKee [1931] 2 Ch 145 (CA)), or by the failure of a provision to take effect after a life interest (Re Plowman, Westminster Bank, Ltd v Plowman [1943] Ch 269, 2 All ER 532). Any interest therein, the Intestates’ Estates Ordinance (Cap 73) has effect with respect to the part of his property not so disposed of, subject to the provisions contained in the will and subject to modifications: Intestates’ Estates Ordinance (Cap 73) s 8(1). See also Hotchpot; Intestacy rules.
立遺囑人已身故而留下一份未處理其全部遺產的遺囑。 如立遺囑人的遺囑雖然部分有效,但整體上卻未能處理其某部分特定的財產,或雖然看來是要處理其全部財產,但未能有效處理一些因遺囑而產生的權益,如復歸權益(Re Mckee, Public Trustee v Mckee [1931] 2 Ch 145(英國上訴法院)),或遺囑中的某項條文未能在終生權益終止後生效 (Re Plowman, Westminister bank Ltd v Plowman [1943] Ch 269, 2 All ER 532),便出現部分無遺囑的情況。有關遺囑的任何權益,《無遺矚者遺產條例》(第73章)均對遺矚未能有效處理的財產有法律效力,但以遺囑內所定的條文及修改為準:《遺矚者遺產條例》(第73章)第8(1)條。另見Hotchop; Intestacy rules。




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