

单词 Statehood
释义 國家地位
The qualification of an entity to be identified as a sovereign and independent state. Statehood has escaped precise definition in international law, but its characteristics are widely accepted to be a permanent population, a defined territory, a government, and a capacity to enter into relations with other states: Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States 1933 art 1. While the first three criteria, together with independence, are regarded as indispensable requirements for statehood, the fourth (the capacity to enter into state relations) is a condition of recognition, rather than statehood. The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States 1933 is regarded as declaratory of customary international law. See also Customary international law; Independence; Recognition; Sovereign state; Sovereignty.
一個實體被識別為一個主權及獨立國家的資格。國際法避開就國家地位作出準確的定義,但國家地位的特徵已被廣為接受為固定人口、界定領土、一個政府,及與其他國家訂定關係的能力:《1933年蒙迪維迪奧國家權利義務公約》第1條。雖然首3項條件,加上獨立性是被視為國家地位不可缺的資格,但第四項﹝與其他國家訂定關係的能力﹞卻是被認可的,而並非作為國家地位的條件。《1933年蒙迪維迪奧國家權利義務公約》被視為對國際慣例法作出說明的公約。另見 Customary international law; Independence; Recognition; Sovereign state; Sovereignty。n.




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