

单词 BOT contract
释义 BOT合約
Build-Own-Transfer or Build-Operate-Transfer contract. A building contract in which the contractor undertakes the design and construction of the project, which is then sold in a completed and operating state to the proprietor or employer. It is more a way of financing the project than a separate way of construction contracting. Such a contractual arrangement casts on the development contractor the total responsibility for the work. It is the model of choice for the Hong Kong Government in complex infrastructure developments. Variants of such schemes are Build-Own-Operate or BOO, Build-Own-Operate-Transfer or BOOT, Build-Operate-Lease or BOL, and Finance-Build-Own-Operate-Transfer or F-BOOT. Typically, the government would enter into an agreement with a private sector company, obliging the company to undertake the financing, design and construction of a project or facility. The project is undertaken at the company's own expense in exchange for a concession, usually for a fixed period, to operate the project or facility, to cover its working capital and maintenance costs, to repay the original equity investors in the project, and to provide a reasonable return or profit for the sponsors. It is a method of construction which wholly re-allocates the risks and potential short-term returns of large infrastructure projects from the government to the private sector. See also Building contract; Contractor; Conveyancing; Delivery system; Dwelling house; Proprietor.
指建造-擁有-移交合約或建造-營運-移交合約。根據建造合約的規定,承建商會負責有關工程的設計及建造;然後以其落成及可營運的狀態售賣與所有人或使用者。在很大的程度上BOT合約是建築工程融資的一種方式,而非各別的建造合約方式。按照此類合約安排,發展承建商對有關工程有全部的負責。這亦是香港政府進行複雜的基建發展項目時所選擇採用的模式。這些規劃的變異形式有建造-擁有-營運或稱BOO,建造-擁有-營運-移交或稱BOOT,建造-營運-租賃或稱BOL,以及融資-建造-擁有-營運-移交或稱F-BOOT。概括而言,政府會與私營公司簽訂協議,規定由該私營公司負責工程或設施規劃的融資,設計和建造工作。有關的私營公司本身要承擔整項工程規劃的費用支出,以換取政府給與的特許權(通常為一固定的期限),以便進行有關建築工程或設施的營運工作,抵償本身所付出的工程成本和保養費用,償還款項與有關工程的原先股本投資者,以及為保證人提供合理的回報或利潤。此類進行建造工程的方式,將大型基建工程的風險及可能產生的短期回報,由政府全部轉嫁到私營公司身上。另見 Building contract; Contractor; Conveyancing; Delivery system; Dwelling house; Proprietor。




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