

单词 Amalgamation
释义 合併
Generally, a joining, merging, or union of two separate things to create a new thing.
Corporations - A reorganisation of share capital where a union of two companies occurs by the replacement of two separate systems of share capital by one system of share capital. See also Control.
Equity - The combinations of two or more charities to form one charity. An amalgamation of charitable institutions may arise by a scheme settled by the court: Re Lucas (dec’d); Sheard v Mellor [1948] 2 All ER 22, Ch 424 (CA); by statute: Re Meyers (dec’d); London Life Assn v St George’s Hospital [1951] 1 All ER 538, Ch 534; by an institution’s own constitution: Re Bagshaw (dec’d); Westminster Bank Ltd v Taylor & Ors [1954] 1 All ER 227; or informally: Re Roberts (dec’d); Stenton & Anor v Hardy & Ors [1963] 1 All ER 674. If a charity named as a beneficiary in a will amalgamates with other charities between the date of the will and the date of the testator’s death, the charity is treated as still existing and the gift is payable to the amalgamated charity: Re Lucas (dec’d); Sheard v Mellor, supra. See also Charitable trust; Charity; Scheme.
法團 - 透過將一個股本架構取代兩個不同的股本架構,兩間公司結合一起的股本重組。另見 Control。
衡平法 -   將兩個或兩個以上的慈善團體組成一個。慈善機構的合併透過以下方式產生:由法庭議定的計劃:Re Lucas (已去世); Sheard v Mellor [1948] 2 All ER 22, Ch 424(英國上訴法院);法例:Re Meyers (已去世); London Life Assn v St George’s Hospital [1951] 1 All ER 538, Ch 534;慈善機構本身的憲章:Re Bagshaw (已去世); Westminster Bank Ltd v Taylor [1954] 1 All ER 227;或非正式方法:Re Roberts (已去世); Stenton v Hardy [1963] 1 All ER 674。若某慈善團體獲指名為某遺囑內的受益人,而該慈善團體在遺囑的日期及立遺囑人去世當天之間與其他慈善團體合併,則該慈善團體視為仍然存在,及可將饋贈給予合併後的慈善團體:Re Lucas (已去世); Sheard v Mellor,見上文。另見 Charitable trust; Charity; Scheme。n.




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