

单词 Policy decision
释义 政策決定
1. A decision of a public authority which involves or is dictated by financial, economic, social, or political factors or constraints. While the government is free to formulate its policy, it is for the court to ascertain what the policy decision means and to consider whether the government in the implementation of the policy has misinterpreted or misapplied it: R v Ministry of Defence, ex p Walker [2000] 2 All ER 917, 1 WLR 806. Where the meaning of a policy is not clear, or the policy is susceptible of more than one meaning, and the government has adopted a particular meaning, the court is entitled to consider whether the adoption of that meaning is such as to be ‘so aberrant that it cannot be classed as rational’: R v Monopolies and Mergers Commission & Anor, ex p South Yorkshire Transport Ltd & Anor [1993] 1 WLR 23. However, the court is not concerned with whether the policy is good or bad unless it can be shown to be so irrational or that no reasonable government could have adopted it: R v Ministry of Defence, ex p Walker, supra. 2. A decision or judgment of a court found principally on considerations of public policy expressed in legislation or judicial decisions or formulated to meet new conditions, taking into account matters of public morals, health, safety, and welfare. See also Public policy.

1. 公共主管當局的決定,它牽涉金融、經濟、社會、或政治的因素、束縛,或因應金融、經濟、社會、或政治的因素、束縛。雖然政府可自行制定它的政策,但政策決定的含意卻須由法庭確定,以及到底政府在實施政策時有否錯誤詮釋或錯誤引用亦須由法庭作出權衡:R v Ministry of Defence, ex p Walker [2000] 1 WLR 806。凡政策的意思不清晰,或政策可以有多於一個意思,而政府採用了某特定的意思,法庭則有權就該被採用的意思是否屬「非常偏離常軌以致不能被稱為理性」作出權衡:R v Monopolies and Mergers Commission & Anor, ex p South Yorkshire Transport Ltd & Anor [1993] 1 WLR 23。然而,法庭並不理會政策是壞是好,除非可證明政策全無理性可言,而沒有合理的政府是會採用它的:R v Ministry of Defence, ex p Walker, supra。  2.  法庭的決定或判決,主要基於法例或司法決定中所表示的公共政策,或法庭為應付新的情況,並在考慮到有關的公共道德、健康、安全或福祉後而制定的決定或判決。另見 Public policy。





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