

单词 Chambers
释义 內庭/法官室
1. The room in which judges and their associates sit to hear interlocutory matters which need not be heard in open court: Hartmont v Foster (1881) 8 QBD 82. Proceedings in chambers are not open to the public. Generally only the parties, solicitors and counsel are admitted. The Registrar and any master have the same authority and jurisdiction of a judge in chambers, except in respect of matters relating to, for example, criminal proceedings, proceedings for the grant of an injunction under The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 29 pt I: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 32 r 11. Some applications in bankruptcy and winding up proceedings may be determined by Registrar: Bankruptcy Rules (Cap 6A) r 6(a); Companies (Winding Up) Rules (Cap 32H) r 6(a); Practice Direction 3.1. 2. Barristers’ offices are also called chambers.
1.法官及其同僚開庭聆訊不必在公開法庭上聆訊的非正審事務的房間:Hartmont v Foster (1881) 8 QBD 82。內庭聆訊不接受公眾聽審。一般只准涉案各方、律師及大律師在場。司法常務官及任何聆案官具有權力處理法官在內庭處理的事務,除有關刑事法律程序、根據《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第29號命令第1段申請強制令程序等的事項,則屬例外:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第32號命令第11條規則。某些破產申請或清盤程序可由司法常務官裁定:《破產規則》(第6A章)第6(a)條規則;《公司(清盤)規則》(第32H章)第6(a)條規則;《實務指引》第 3.1條。 大律師事務室  2.大律師事務室。另見 Manufacturer; Product liability。n.




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