

单词 Quo warranto
释义 權利調查令

Lat – by what authority. A writ requiring a person to show by what warrant he or she holds office or exercises a function. An order issued by a court to remedy the improper usurpation of a public office. It is a prerogative remedy, but is very rarely issued. It has been abolished: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 46, sch. All information in the nature of quo warranto were abolished, and this procedure has been replaced by a provision enabling the court to grant an injunction to restrain a person from acting in an office where he is not entitled so to do, and if the case so requires, to declare the office to be vacant: s 21J(1). See also Prerogative remedy; Prerogative writs.
拉丁語 -透過何種授權。要求某人表明其藉以擔任職務或行使職能的手令令狀。法院為補救公職的不當篡權所發出的命令。權利調查令屬特權補救,但極少發出。權利調查令現已被取消:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第46條附表。所有具有權利調查令性質的資訊均被取消,本程序已被以下條文所取代,該條文規定法院有權授予強制令,禁制該人擔當其無權擔當的職位,及如情況有此需要,宣佈該職位懸空:第21J(1)條。另見 Prerogative remedy; Prerogative writs。





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