

单词 Exclusion order
释义 豁除令
A court order by which restraints are placed on a certain class of persons or goods.
Criminal law - An order made by the court prohibiting a person convicted of an offence from entering those premises or any other specified premises to resort to violence or to threaten to resort to violence, without the express consent of the licensee of the premises or his servant or agent. See also Tainted property.
Family law - An order that incorporates a provision excluding one party from the matrimonial home or from a specified part of the matrimonial home, or from a specified area whether or not the matrimonial home is in that area. Exclusion orders are typically granted to protect the applicant or the children of the applicant from violence, and may be obtained from magistrates’ courts or the family court: Domestic Violence Ordinance (Cap 189) s 3(1)(c). Also known as ‘ouster order’. See also Family court; Injunction; Magistrates’ court.
刑法 -   在沒有有關處所的特許持有人或其受僱人或代理人的明示協議下,法庭作出命令,禁止已被定罪的人進入該等處所或任何其他指明的處所使用武力或威脅使用武力。另見 Tainted property。
家庭法 - 包含禁止一方進入婚姻居所、或婚姻居所的指明部分、或一處指明的地方(不論婚姻居所是否位於該地方內)的條文的命令。一般是在保護申請人或申請人的子女免受暴力傷害的情況下,授予豁除令:《家庭暴力條例》(第189章)第3(1)(c)條。另稱 「剝奪權利的命令」。另見 Family court; Injunction; Magistrates’ court。




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