

单词 Equitable set-off
释义 衡平法上的抵銷
A right to raise set-off, that is, a cross-claim for a sum of money, by way of defence in actions proceeding in a court of equity and such cross-claim would also restrain the plaintiff in an action at common law from proceeding or levying execution where there was an equity which went to impeach the title to the legal demand. Following the enactment of the English Judicature Acts in 1873 and 1875, the right is now available as a defence to an action at common law: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 5, Civil Procedure [90.0711]. In order for equitable set-off to apply, it must be established that (a) the defendant’s cross-claim is closely connected with the plaintiff’s claim that it goes to impeach the plaintiff’s title and (b) it would be manifestly unjust to allow the plaintiff’s claim without regard to the defendant’s cross-claim: Pollard Construction Co Ltd v Yung Yat Fan (t/a Golden Year & Co) [1999] 3 HKC 109. Equitable set-off will be recognised where a right of set off is recognised at common law; where a court of equity acts by way of analogy with set-off at common law; by contract; and by showing some equitable ground for being protected. See also Equity; Retainer; Set-off.
提出抵銷的權利,即是在衡平法法庭上進行的訴訟中,藉著抗辯而就一筆款項作出交相申索,而此等交相申索亦會禁止原告人進行或實施執行其在普通法上的訴訟,當中就法律索求有質疑所有權的衡平法。隨著1873年及1875年的《英國司法法》的制定,此等權利現可在普通法上作為訴訟的抗辯:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第5冊,民事訴訟程序,第[90.0711]段。為確立衡平法上的抵銷,必須證明:(a) 被告人的交相申索與原告人的申索有密切關聯,並對原告人的所有權有質疑,以及(b) 在無須理會被告人的交相申索的情況下,准予原告人的申索是明顯地不公平的:Pollard Construction Co Ltd v Yung Yat Fan (t/a Golden Year & Co) [1999] 3 HKC 109。,如抵銷的權利在普通法上獲承認;如衡平法法庭以類推方法就普通法上的抵銷行事;如憑藉合約;以及如證明若干被受保障的衡平法上的理由,則衡平法上的抵銷會獲得承認。另見 Equity; Retainer; Set-off。




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