

单词 Surveyor
释义 測量師

One who views in detail and examines to ascertain the condition, design, value, or size of, usually, land. There are many aspects to surveying, such as estate management, building surveying, quantity surveying, land surveying and town planning. A surveyor is often employed to survey a building on behalf of a prospective purchaser. Building surveyors are commonly engaged to design and supervise work and as such are to be equated to architects and engineers. The branch of the profession most closely concerned with the letting and execution of contracts for major works of construction is that of quantity surveyor. Where such calculation is commissioned in order to obtain tenders it is a function of the quantity surveyor to make and set out the results of the calculations derived from the architect’s drawings and specifications. The quantity surveyor will now generally be required to value the work executed during the progress of the contract and to advise the architect or engineer on the amount of interim or final certificates. A surveyor may serve as an ‘authorised person’ under the Buildings Ordinance: Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) s 2(1).
Tort - A person whose business it is to conduct skilled inspection and examination of land, houses or other property to ascertain its condition or value. A negligent survey may give rise to a right of action for recovery of damages. The measure of damages is the sum of money which will place the plaintiff in the position he or she would have been in if the contract to survey the property had been properly performed: Philips v Ward [1956] 1 All ER 874, 1 WLR 471 (CA).
測量師負責詳細檢查及確定通常是土地的狀況、設計、價值或規格。有多種範疇的測量,例如屋宇管理、屋宇測量、工料測量、土地測量及城市規劃。通常騁用測量師以代表準購樓者/有意購樓者測量建築物。通常騁用屋宇測量師以設計及監督有關的工程,因而相當於建築師和工程師。工料測量師是與出租及執行主要建造工程合約最有密切關係的測量專業類別。如為成功取得投標工程而作出有關的計算,則工料測量師有責任根據有關建築師的圖則及規格,作出及列明有關計算的結果。現在一般要求工料測量師在合約的過程中對有關工程作出評估,並就臨時或最終證明書的款項,對有關的建築師和工程師作出建議。測量師可根據建築物條例出任「認可人士」:《建築物條例》(第123章)第 2(1)條。
侵權 - 指有技巧地以視察及檢查土地、屋宇或其他物業,以確定有關狀況或價值為工作的人。 疏忽的測量可產生提出追討損害賠償的訴訟的權利。在考慮授予損害賠償款項時,法庭會將原告人處於如已適當地履行有關測量物業的合約,則有關的原告人所應處的處境上考慮:Philips v Ward [1956] 1 All ER 874, 1 WLR 471(芵國上訴法院)。n.





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