

单词 United Nations Security Council
释义 聯合國安全理事會
The senior arm of the United Nations with the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security: Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 24. The Security Council has powers with respect to the peaceful settlement of disputes and to action with respect to threats to the peace, breaches of the peace and acts of aggression: arts 33-51. The Security Council consists of 15 members, including five permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States): art 23. The five permanent members have the right of veto on non-procedural matters. The Security Council is organised so as to be able to function continuously, and each member must be represented at all times at the seat of the organisation: art 28(1). See also Charter of the United Nations 1945; United Nations; Veto.
聯合國的高級武裝部隊,其主要責任是維持國際和平及安全:《1945年聯合國憲章》第24條。安全理事會有權和平解決爭端,及就和平威脅、破壞社會安寧及侵略行為作出行動:第33-51條。安全理事會由15個成員國組成,其中包括五個常任理事國(中國、法國、俄羅斯、芵國及美國):第 23條。五個常任理事國在非程序的事宜上有否決權。安全理事會之組織應使其能繼續不斷行使職務,每一個成員國必須有常駐組織會所之代表:第28(1)條。另見 Charter of the United Nations 1945; United Nations; Veto。




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