

单词 Guilty plea
释义 認罪答辯
A full admission to each and every element of the offence and is not of itself an admission to any matters of aggravation or the mode of participation in the events the subject matter of the indictment, unless such matters appear in the indictment: R v Bui Van Chinh (CACC 379/87, unreported). It must be voluntarily made or the court must reject it: R v Lam Yin [1995] 2 HKC 74, 2 HKCLR 124 (HC). The plea must be unequivocal: R v Ng Yau Fai [1987] HKLR 405 (HC); R v Chan Shun [1991] 1 HKC 482. The court should ensure, where necessary, that the accused understands the effect of his plea and a plea of guilty should be refused if the judge considers that it arises from fear, duress, ignorance or weakness: R v Yeung Kuen Chi [1985] 2 HKC 163 (CA); R v Lam Yin [1995] 2 HKC 74, 2 HKCLR 124 (HC). See also Alternative count; Charge; Plea in discharge of the indictment; Special plea.
對有關罪行的每一項元素全部承認,本身不是對任何加重損失事項或在有關事件中參與的模式的承認,除非該等事項在公訴書中顯示,則屬例外:R v Bui Van Chinh(刑事上訴1987年第379號,未經彙報)。必須是在自願的情況下作出認罪答辯,否則法庭必須拒絕接受:R v Lam Yin [1995] 2 HKC 74, 2 HKCLR 124 (高等法院)。認罪答辯必須是明確而不含糊的:R v Ng Yau Fai [1987] HKLR 405(高等法院); R v Chan Shun [1991] 1 HKC 482。如有需要,法官應確保被告明白其答辯的效力,此外,如法官認為該答辯是因恐懼、威迫、不知情或無力而產生的,則應拒絕接受有關的認罪答辯:R v Yeung Kuen Chi [1985] 2 HKC 163 (上訴法庭);R v Lam Yin [1995] 2 HKC 74, 2 HKCLR 124 (高等法院)。另見 Alternative count; Charge; Plea in discharge of the indictment; Special plea。




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