单词 | Residuary beneficiary |
释义 | 剩餘受益人 The person entitled under a will to the residue of a deceased estate after disposition of legacies and devises specified in the will and payment of estate debts and expenses: for example Kleinwort Benson (Hong Kong) Trustees Ltd v Wong Foon Hang & Ors [1993] 1 HKC 649. When the residuary legatee is capable of ascertaining what is the clear residue and requiring payment of the amount, time normally begins to run against him at the end of one year from the testator’s death: Prior v Horniblow (1836) 2 Y & C Ex 200. A residuary legatee has a right to insist that the executor pay the debts, legacies and funeral and testamentary expenses with due diligence, so that the clear residue may be ascertained and paid over to him, or, if he has only a life interest in it, may be duly secured for the benefit of the persons successively entitled (Wightwick v Lord (1857) 6 HL Cas 217); but the effect of the bequest is not to vest in him any particular asset of the testator (Chan Chun Wah v Chan Chun Wai, Patrick [1987] 2 HKC 397). Where residuary legatees had been paid, but a sum set aside in an administration action to pay an annuity proved insufficient to pay the legacy left to the annuitant’s children after the death, it was held that the residuary legatees were liable to refund the amount of the deficiency to the children: Re Rivers, Pullen v Rivers [1920] 1 Ch 320. Also known as ‘residuary legatee’. See also Residuary legacy; Residuary devise; Residue; Testator; Will. 在處置遺囑訂明的遺產及不動產遺贈後及在償付產業責務及支出後,一人在遺囑下享有死者產業的剩餘部分:例如 Kleinwort Benson(Hong Kong) Trustees Ltd v Wong Foon Hang & Ors [1993] 1 HKC 649。當剩餘受遺贈人可以清楚確定剩餘部分及所須償付款額,時間通常在立遺囑人逝世後一年開始針對他而運行:Prior v Horniblow (1836) 2 Y & C Ex 200。剩餘受遺贈人有權堅持遺囑執行人以應盡的努力償付債項,遺產,葬禮及遺囑管理費用,因而可清楚確定剩餘部分及向他償付,或他在其中只有終身權益,則可適當地為接續享有權利的人的利益取得權益 (Wightwick v Lord (1857) 6 HL Cas 217);但遺贈的效力則非把任何立遺囑人的資產轉歸予他 (Chan Chun Wah v Chan Chun Wai, Patrick [1987] 2 HKC 397)。凡已償付剩餘受遺贈人,但證明在行政方面撥用為支付年金的款額在死者逝世後,不足以償付留給年金受益人子女的遺贈,剩餘受遺贈人則須負向有關子女退還不足之數的款額的法律責任:Re Rivers, Pullen v Rivers [1920] 1 Ch 320。另稱「剩餘受遺贈人」。另見 Residuary legacy; Residuary devise; Residue; Testator; Will。 |
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