

单词 Security
释义 保證/抵押品/保證金
Something that secures or make safe. The property over which a creditor, or other obligee, is given rights by a debtor, or other obligor, in order to secure performance of a promise to repay money or of some other undertaking: Brick and Pip Industries Ltd v Occidental Life Nominee Pty Ltd [1992] 2 VR 279.
Corporations - 1. Any right or interest in property which renders the repayment of a debt more secure and certain. 2. An asset offered by a borrower to a lender as collateral. If the borrower defaults on the repayment of the loan, the lender has the right to sell the asset and retain the proceeds up to the amount owing. 3. A document issued by a government, semi-government body, statutory body, or public company in return for funds invested for a specified purpose by purchasers. Such securities are marketable. They include, for example, shares, stocks, debentures, loan stocks, funds, bonds or notes of, or issued by, a body, whether incorporated or unincorporated, or a government or municipal government authority: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) sch 1 para 1. The relationship between purchaser and borrower varies in each case, some securities carrying a fixed rate of interest and a date for maturity. In the case of shares, money is invested without certainty of income, appreciation, or eventual recovery in the case of liquidation. Also known as ‘charge’. See also Bond; Charge; Debenture; Fund; Share; Stock; Warrant.
Defence - See National security.
作為保證或使之安全的東西。 債務人或其他義務人給予債權人或其他受義務人有關財物的權利,以確保履行付還或若干其他保證的承諾:Brick and Pip Industries Ltd v Occidental Life Nominee Pty Ltd [1992] 2 VR 279。
法團 -   1. 使償還債項更能得到保證及肯定的財產權利或權益。  2. 借款人向貸款人提供的作為抵押品的資產。如借款人沒有償還債項,貸款人有權出售該資產及保留相等於所欠款項的售賣得益。  3. 政府、半官方機構、法定團體,或公共公司發行的文件,用以換取購買人為投資指定目的而提供的資金。此等證券是可作買賣的。包括團體(不論是否屬法團)或政府或市政府當局的或由它發行的股份、股額、債權證、債權股額、基金、債券或票據:《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)附表1第1段。買賣雙方在每一個案中的關係均不同,有些證券有固定利率及到期日。就股份而言,作出投資的款額不一定帶來收入,升值或在公司清盤可取回。另稱「押記」。另見 Bond; Charge; Debenture; Fund; Share; Stock; Warrant。
防衛 - 見 National security。n.




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