

单词 Public interest immunity
释义 公眾利益豁免權
An immunity from the production of documents or information where their disclosure would be against the public interest. It is a court’s duty, and not an executive government’s privilege, to determine whether or not to order production or withholding of a document. In determining whether or not to allow the exercise of the public interest immunity, a court must balance the public interest in withholding the production of a document against the public interest in ensuring that courts performing the functions of justice should have access to relevant evidence: Conway v Rimmer [1968] AC 910. The courts to Hong Kong are ready to assume that disclosure of minutes of the Executive Council is contrary to the public interest: Chang Lan Sheng v A-G [1968] HKLR 487. A claim to public interest immunity must be made and the claim must be made by an appropriate person, usually the Chief Secretary of Administration or the secretary who heads the bureau or department concerned: Edwards v Almao (No 4) [1957] HKLR 365. It has generally been assumed that important executive documents are immune from production: S-J v Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry Co Ltd [2001] 2 HKLRD 301. The Crown Proceedings Ordinance (Cap 300) s 24 gave statutory recognition to this rule of substantive law. See also Public interest; Secretary of Justice.
 豁免交出有關文件或資料,披露此等文件或資料即屬違反公眾利益。決定是否命令交出或不交出某文件是法院的責任,而非行政政府的特權。 在決定是否准予行使公眾利益豁免權時,法庭須平衡不交出某文件的公眾利益與履行有關司法功能的法庭應有權取得有關證據的公眾利益: Conway v Rimmer [1968] AC 910。 香港的法庭基本上推定披露行政局的會議紀是違反公眾利益的:Chang Lan Sheng v A-G [1968] HKLR 487。 須由適當的人(通常是政務司司長或有關部門的首長)就公眾利益豁免權 作出申索:Edwards v Almao (No 4) [1957] HKLR 365。通常推定可獲豁免交出重要的行政文件: S-J v Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry Co Ltd [2001] 2 HKLRD 301。 《官方法律程序條例》(第300章)第24條就此等實體法的規則給予法定的認可。 另見 Public interest; Secretary of Justice。




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