

单词 Factor
释义 代理商
An agent entrusted with the possession of goods of another (‘principal’) to sell in his own name without disclosing the name of his principal, who is remunerated by a commission: Rolls Razor Ltd v Cox [1967] 1 All ER 397, 1 QB 552 (CA). Also known as ‘mercantile agent’. The law relating to factors was consolidated and amended by the Factors Ordinance (Cap 48). Where a mercantile agent is, with the consent of the owner, in possession of goods or of the documents of title to goods, any sale, pledge, or other disposition of the goods, made by him when acting in the ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent, shall be as valid as if he were expressly authorised by the owner of the goods to make the same, provided that the person taking under the disposition acts in good faith and has no notice of the mercantile agent’s lack of authority: Factors Ordinance (Cap 48) s 3(1). See also Agency; Agent; Mercantile agent; Principal.
代理人受託管有他人(委託人)的貨品,並在沒有披露其委託人的名字的情況下,以自己的名義出售有關的貨品,受託人並獲付佣金作報酬:Rolls Razor Ltd v Cox [1967] 1 All ER 397, 1 QB 552 (芵國上訴法院)。另稱「商業代理人」。有關代理商的法律由《代理商條例》(第48章)合併及修訂。凡任何商業代理人經貨品擁有人同意,管有貨品或貨品的所有權文件,該代理人在業務運作中所作的售賣、質押或其他處置,均須猶如該代理人是在貨品擁有人明示授權下作出該售賣、質押或其他處置一樣有效︰但根據該項處置而承受的人須真誠行事,並在該項處置作出時未有知悉作出該項處置的人並無作出該項處置的權能:《代理商條例》(第48章)第3(1)條。另見 Agency; Agent; Mercantile agent; Principal。n.




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