

单词 Vesting deed
释义 歸屬契據
A deed that vests trust property in a newly appointed trustee and continuing trustees, or in the continuing trustees alone when a trustee retires. If the deed contains a declaration by the appointor to the effect that any estate, interest or right so subject, shall vest in the trustees for performing the trust, the deed shall operate, without any conveyance or assignment, to vest in those persons as joint tenants and for the purposes of the trust the estate, interest or right to which the declaration relates: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 41(1)(a). If the deed does not contain such a declaration, the deed shall, subject to any express provision to the contrary therein contained, operate as if it had contained such a declaration by the appointor extending to all the estates, interests and rights with respect to which a declaration could have been made: s 41(1)(b). See also Incapacity; Trustee appointment; Vesting order.
將信託財物歸予獲新委任的授託人及留任受託人、或僅委任留任受託人(如授託人已辭退信託職務)的契據。如該契據載有委任人的聲明,意思是受信託規限的任何業權、權益或權利,均歸屬執行信託的受託人,則該契據的作用是會將該聲明所關乎的產業權、權益或權利,在無須經任何轉易或出讓的情況下,為信託的目的並以該等信託人為聯權共有人而歸屬他們:《受託人條例》(第29章)第41(1)(a)條。如該契據並無載有上述聲明,則除契據內另有相反的明文規定外,該契據的作用須猶如該契據載有由委任人作出的上述聲明一樣,而聲明所及範圍則擴及該項聲明原可就其作出的一切產業權、權益及權利:第41(1)(b)條。另見 Incapacity; Trustee appointment; Vesting order。




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