

单词 Court of record
释义 紀錄法庭
A court that maintains and preserves a permanent record of its judicial proceedings. Certain courts are expressly declared by statute to be courts of record. They are the Court of Final Appeal, the Court of Appeal, the Court of First Instance as the superior courts of record: Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap 484) s 3; High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) ss 12(1), 13(1). In the case of courts not expressly declared to be courts of record, the test as to whether a court is a court of record seems to depend in general upon whether it has power to fine or imprison, by statute or otherwise, for contempt of itself or other substantive offences; if it has such power, it seems that it is a court of record: R v District Judge of Hong Kong, ex p A-G [1955] 39 HKLR 8; Cheng Chen Sing v R [1983] 2 HKC 500.
一個就其司法程序備存和保存永久紀錄的法庭。法規清楚表明某些法庭為紀錄法庭。高級紀錄法院包括終審法院、上訴法庭和原訟法庭:《香港終審法院條例》(第484章)第3條;《高等法院條例》(第4章)第12(1)及13(1)條。就沒有清楚被表明為紀錄法庭的法庭而言,某一法庭是否紀錄法庭的測試,似乎通常取決於該法庭根據法規或法規以外的情況下,是否有權對藐視該法庭或其他實質罪行處以罰款或監禁;如該法庭有如此權力,似乎是紀錄法庭:R v District Judge of Hong Kong, ex p A-G [1955] 39 HKLR 8; Cheng Chen Sing v R [1983] 2 HKC 500。




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