

单词 Small house grant
释义 丁屋批租約

A grant made under the small house policy: Government Rent (Assessment and Collection) Ordinance (Cap 515) s 2. A small house grant made to an indigenous villager after 30 June 1984 and which the indigenous villager continues to hold, or continues to be held by a person who is a lawful successor in the male line of the indigenous villager is exempt from Government rent: s 4. See also Small House Policy.
指在小型屋宇政策下作出的批租約:《地租(評估及徵收)條例 》(第 515章) 第2條。根據在1984年6月30日之後向任何原居村民作出的丁屋地批租約而持有的權益;以及由該原居村民繼續持有;或該權益繼續由屬該原居村民的父系合法繼承人的人持有,則可豁免繳交地租的法律責任:第4條。另見Small House Policy。





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