

单词 Joint account
释义 共同賬戶
A bank or brokerage account opened in the names of two or more people, by which each party is entitled to all the funds in the account and is liable for all its deficit. Upon the death of one party, the survivors become the owners of the account, with no right of the deceased party’s heirs or devisees to share in it: Young v Sealey [1949] Ch 278. A sum standing to the credit of a joint account is a debt owed to the holders of that account jointly and is not subject to attachment or execution in satisfaction of a judgment against one holder only (Hirschorn v Evans (Barclays Bank Ltd Garnishees) [1938] 2 KB 801 (CA)) or set-off against one of them alone (ex p Morier [1879] 12 Ch D491; In re First Bangkok City Finance Ltd & Ors [1993] HKCFI 28). A joint account may be set up on terms either that all parties to the account must sign cheques and approve all withdrawals or brokerage transactions or that any one party or any other combinations of parties may take such actions on their own. See also Account; Joint account clause.
以2名或2名以上的人的名義共同開立的銀行賬戶或經紀賬戶,開立賬戶的各方共同擁有賬戶上的全部資金並共同負擔賬戶的全部虧空。如果一方死亡,則共同賬戶歸其他共同所有人所有,亡者的繼承人和受遺贈人對該賬戶無任何權利:Young v Sealey [1949] Ch 278。記入共同賬戶貸方金額由賬戶持有人共同所有,不得因對其中某個持有人的單獨判決而被扣押或強制執行:Hirschorn v Evans [1938] 2 KB 801;或抵銷其中一人(ex p Morier [1879] 11 Ch 491;In re First Bangkok City Finance Ltd & Ors [1993] HKCFI 28)。共同賬戶的開立條件可以是須由賬戶各方共同簽發支票以及共同批准所有的取款和經紀交易,也可以是其中任何一方或任何幾方的聯合自行為上述行為。另見 Account; Joint account clause。




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