

单词 Anticipatory breach
释义 提前違約

A breach of contract of a kind entitling the promisee to terminate the contract before the time appointed for the promisor’s performance. The promisee’s termination is justified if the words or conduct of the promisor, or the promisor’s actual position, give rise to a repudiation of obligation or indicate that the promisor was wholly and finally disabled from performing the contract: Leung Hoi v Ma Koon Sik & Anor (HCA A3054/92, reported). The concept of anticipatory breach may be part of a wider concept of repudiation: Afovos Shipping Co SA v Pagnan & Anor, The Afovos [1983] 1 All ER 449 (HL). Also known as ‘prospective breach’. See also Breach of contract; Failure of performance; Repudiation; Termination.
違約的一種,使受諾人可以在承諾人於指定時間履行合約前終止合約。如承諾人的言行或其實際處境引致悔約或顯示承諾人完全及最終不能履行合約,則受諾人終止合約是有充分理由支持:Leung Hoi v Ma Koon Sik & Anor(高院民事訴訟1992年第A3054號,未經彙報)。提前違約可能包含在悔約這個較大的概念內:Afovos Shipping Co SA v Pagnan & Anor, The Afovos [1983] 1 All ER 449(上議院)。另稱「預期違約」。另見 Breach of contract; Failure of performance; Repudiation; Termination。





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