

单词 Carriage of dangerous goods
释义 危險品運輸
Transportation of goods that would be dangerous to life and limb, the carrier’s property, other goods carried, or the environment, if not kept in some special way.
Civil aviation - It is an offence to contravene or permit the contravention or fail to comply with any of the Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regulations, which provide that an aircraft must not carry or have loaded therein or suspended thereunder any dangerous goods except where the written permission of the Chief Executive has been obtained and the carriage is in accordance with any conditions in that permission and with the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air: Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regulations 1985 reg 3(1). It is unlawful for any person to take or cause to be taken on board an aircraft, or to suspend or cause to be suspended beneath an aircraft, or to deliver or cause to be delivered for loading on or suspension beneath an aircraft any goods which he knows or ought to know or suspect to be dangerous goods unless the Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regulations 1985 are complied with: reg 3(2).
Maritime law - At common law, the shipper is under an implied undertaking not to ship dangerous goods, irrespective of whether the shipper has knowledge of the dangerous nature of the goods: Effort Shipping Co Ltd v Linden Management SA, The Giannis NK [1998] 1 All ER 495, AC 605 (HL). It is an offence for any person to send by or carry in any ship any dangerous goods without marking distinctly their nature on the outside of the container or package containing them and without giving written notice to the owner or master of the ship of the nature of such goods and the name and address of the sender: Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap 369) s 87(1). The duty to notify does not arise where the carrier is or ought to be aware of the dangerous nature of the goods to be carried: Bamfield v Goole and Sheffield Transport Co Ltd [1910] 2 KB 94. Where Hague or Hague-Visby Rules apply, the carrier may at any time before discharge cause the dangerous goods to be landed at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous without liability on his part, except by way of general average: art IV r 6. See also Carriage of goods; Consignor; Dangerous cargo; Goods.
民航 - 違反或准許違反或未能遵從任何《飛航(危險品)規例》,該規例規定航空器不准在內運載或負載任何危險品,或在航空器下懸掛任何危險品,除已獲得行政長官的書面准許外,及根據該准許的任何條件及《危險品安全空運技術指令》運載:《1985年飛航(危險品)規例》第3(1)規例。任何人將其明知或應知道或懷疑為危險品的貨品運上或安排運上某航空器,或懸掛或安排懸掛在某航空器下,或交付或安排交付裝上某航空器或懸掛在該航空器下,則屬犯罪,除非已遵從《1985年飛航(危險品)規例》:第3(2)規例。
海事法 - 在普通法上,付運人須作出隱含保證,不付運危險品,不論該付運人是否知悉該貨品的危險性質:Effort Shipping Co Ltd v Linden Management SA, The Giannis NK [1998] 1 All ER 495, AC 605(上議院)。任何人以船舶運送危險品或在船舶上承運危險品,而沒有在載有該危險品的容器或包裝外面清楚標明該危險品的性質;及就以下事項向該船舶的船東或船長給予書面通知:該危險品的性質,及該危險品的運送人的姓名或名稱及地址,即屬犯罪:《商船(安全)條例》(第369章)第87(1)條。凡承運人察覺到或應察覺到承運的貨品的危險性質時,則不產生作出通知的責任:Bamfield v Goole and Sheffield Transport Co Ltd [1910] 2 KB 94。凡《海牙規則》或《海牙-維斯比規則》適用時,承運人可在卸貨前的任何時間,將貨物在任何地方搬上岸、銷毀或使之不能為害,而無須承擔法律責任,但有關共同海損的法律責任則除外:第IV條第6條規則。另見 Carriage of goods; Consignor; Dangerous cargo; Goods。




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