

单词 Public document
释义 公共文件
1. In the law of evidence, a document of such a public nature as to be admissible in evidence on its mere production from the proper custody. The following categories of documents are, subject to public availability, treated as public documents: public enactments, government gazettes; public registers; public surveys, assessments and reports; official certificates; books of corporations; histories, scientific works and works of reference: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 12, Evidence [175.076]. In any civil proceedings public documents, for example public registers, and returns made under public authority with respect to matters of public interest, are admissible as evidence of facts stated in them: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 52(2)(b). If a document is of a public nature, it is admissible in evidence on its mere production from proper custody without further proof: s 18. 2. A document that is made for the purpose of the public making use of it, and being able to refer to it, particularly where there is a judicial, or quasi-judicial, duty to inquire; its very object must be that it should be made for the purpose of being kept public, so that the persons concerned in it may have access to it afterwards: Sturla v Freccia (1880) 5 App Cas 623, [1874-80] All ER Rep 657 (HL). A report made to parliament by a public body is not a public document, as it was not brought into existence for the purpose of public reference, even though the document may be available to the public. 3. In relation to a corporation, any document the public has a right of access to. See also Document.

1. 在證據法, 有公共性質的文件只須從妥當保管之處交出即為可接納的證據。在符合公眾可供使用的情況下,以下類別的文件被視為公共文件: 公共成文法則,政府憲報; 公共登記冊; 公共檢驗, 評核及報告; 官方證明書; 公司簿冊; 歷史資料, 科學工程和轉介工程: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第12冊,證據,第[175.076]段。在任何民事法律程序中, 公共文件(例如公共註冊或登記紀錄冊及根據公共主管當局的規定就公眾利益的事宜編製的申報書)可接納為其內所述事實的證據:《證據條例》(第8章)第52(2)(b)條。凡文件屬公共性質, 只須從妥當保管之處交出而不需進一步證明即為可接納的證據: 第18條。  2.  以公共使用及可參看的目的而作出的文件, 特別是在有司法或類似司法查究的責任; 其最主要的目的必須為有關的公共文件應以公共性質作出, 因而有關人士可在其後使用 Sturla & Ors v Freccia & Ors (1880) 5 App Cas 623。儘管有關文件可供公眾使用, 由公眾團體向國會提出的報告並非公共文件, 因為並非為公共參考的目的而存在。  3. 就公司而言, 任可公眾有權取得的文件 。另見 Document。





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