

单词 Carrying on business
释义 經營業務
An element in establishing that a partnership exists. It includes establishing a place of business and soliciting or procuring any order from a person: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 3. The phrase implies an element of continuity or a repetition of acts: Hope v Bathurst City Council (1980) 144 CLR 1. It is in contrast to an isolated transaction that is not to be repeated; although in determining whether a person is ‘carrying on business’ the emphasis placed upon continuity may not be heavy. A single adventure may, depending upon its scope, amount to the carrying on of a business: United Dominions Corp Ltd v Brian Pty Ltd (1985) 157 CLR 1. See also Business; Partnership.
證明合夥存在的元素。經營業務包括設立營業地點,及向任何人招攬或獲取訂單:《合夥條例》(第38章)第3條。此詞組意味著連續性或若干行為重複進行:Hope v Bathurst City Council (1980) 144 CLR 1。與不會重複的單獨交易對比;雖然在裁定某人是否有「經營業務」時,不一定著重強調連續性。一次視乎其範圍,單獨的投機活動可構成經營業務:United Dominions Corp Ltd v Brian Pty Ltd (1985) 157 CLR 1。另見 Business; Partnership。




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