

单词 Concurrent lease
释义 共有租契
A lease of the same premises granted after another lease has been granted, for a term beginning before the expiration of the earlier lease and ending before or after the earlier lease. A concurrent lease whose term ends after that of the first lease is sometimes inaccurately referred to as a ‘reversionary lease’, but it will be a reversionary or future lease as well as a concurrent lease only if its own term is limited to commence at a future date. Provided it is made by deed, a concurrent lease operates as a grant of the reversion upon the earlier term, and entitles the tenant of the concurrent lease to the benefit of the rents and covenants of the earlier lease, so that the landlord may not during the subsistence of the concurrent lease recover rent from the first tenant: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 17, Landlord and Tenant [235.072]. Also known as ‘a lease of the reversion’ in modern usage. See also Lease.
在一處所租契批給後,就同一處所批給的另一租契 ,該租契的期限始自前租契期限屆滿前,並於前租契屆滿前或屆滿後終止。共有租契的期限在第一租契期限屆滿後才終止的情形,錯誤地被稱為「復歸租契」:僅在共有租契本身的期限是在未來開始時,它才是一復歸或未來租契,並同時為一共有租契。在租契是通過契據設定的前提下,共有租契是就前租契期限批給的復歸租契,根據它,租客有權收取先前租契下的租金及契諾的利益,而業主不可在共有租契有效期間向第一租客追討租金:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第17冊,業主與租客,第[235.072]段。另稱「復歸的租契」。另見 Lease。




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