

单词 Antitrust
释义 反壟斷
The United States generic term for the area of competition law, derived from the structures adopted by American business in the nineteenth century to overcome instability in cartels (pooling arrangements) caused by cheating on the cartels. The term derives from the trusts created by powerful corporations, trusts that were the original targets of the ‘antitrust’ legislation. The model was the Standard Oil Trust formed in 1832. The most significant United States antitrust Acts are the (US) Sherman Act 1890 and the (US) Clayton Act 1914. In Europe, it is referred to as ‘competition law’. An antitrust law is a law with the dominant purpose of preserving competition between manufacturing, commercial or other business enterprises or preventing or repressing monopolies or restrictive practices in trade or commerce. There is no antitrust law in Hong Kong, nor any requirements in Hong Kong that joint venture agreements which prevent or distort competition or impose restrictions of one sort or another on the parties concerned require registration: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 20, Partnerships and Joint Ventures [290.253]. Although there are no antitrust law in Hong Kong, many Hong Kong SAR air services agreements are subject to the antitrust law in the jurisdiction of the bilateral partner: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 4, Civil Aviation [85.056] note 3. See also Cartel; Restrictive trade practices; Sherman Act 1890.
 美國在競爭法範疇使用的名稱,衍生自十九世紀美國業務採納的以克服因欺騙同業聯盟(匯集的安排)而令致同業聯盟產生不隱定情況的結構。反壟斷衍生自具有權力的公司所訂立的信託,即「反壟斷」法例原本目標的信託。例如1832年成立的標準石油公司信託。 最重要的美國反壟斷法令是《1890的謝爾曼法令》及《1914年的克來萊頓法令》。在歐洲則稱為「競爭法」。反壟斷法的主要目的在於維持製造業、商業或其他業務企業之間的競爭,或避免或抑制商業活動的壟斷或限制。香港沒有反壟斷法,亦沒有任何阻止競爭或對有關參與人施加任何限制的聯營協議規定:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第20冊,合夥與合資人,第[290.253]段。 儘管在香港沒有反壟斷法,很多香港特別行政區的航空服務協議受制於雙邊夥伴的司法管轄範圍的反壟斷法:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第 4冊,民航,第[85.056]段,附註3。另見 Cartel; Restrictive trade practices; Sherman Act 1890。adj.




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