

单词 Juror
释义 陪審員
A person who has been selected from a panel of persons summoned by the Registrar to serve on a jury in a trial or coroners’ inquest. Hong Kong SAR residents aged between 21 and 64 who are not blind or deaf, of sound mind and good character, and conversant with the language used in conducting the proceedings are liable to serve as jurors: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 4. Members of Executive or Legislative Council, judges, police officers, consuls of foreign governments, barristers and solicitors in actual practice, medical practitioners and newspaper editors, for example, are exempt from service as jurors: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 5. If a juror dies after the commencement of a hearing or coronial inquest, the jury will remain properly constituted where the number of jurors does not fall short of a prescribed number: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 25. See also Bias; Empanel a jury; Jury.
就出任任何審訊死因研訊的陪審團,從一組人中選出並由司法常務主任召集的人。任何年齡在21歲至64歲之間的香港居民,沒有失明或失聰,精神健全而具有良好品格,及對在法律程序進行時將予採用的語言熟悉,即有法律責任出任陪審員:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第4條。行政會議或立法會議員、法官、警務處人員、外國政府的領事、實際執業的大律師及律師、醫生及報章編輯須予豁免出任陪審員:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第5條。凡陪審團的任何成員在聆訊或死因研訊展開後去世,在陪審員的數目不少於訂明的數目的情況下,該陪審團須被視為仍屬恰當地組成者:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第25條。另見 Bias; Empanel a jury; Jury。n.




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