

单词 Abridgment
释义 縮短
In relation to time, the condensation, contraction, or reduction in the time allowed for doing any act or thing. The court has jurisdiction to abridge the period within which a person is required or authorised by the rules or by any judgment, order or direction, to do any act in any proceedings: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 3 r 5(1). Orders for abridgment are rare, save in case of urgency or with the parties’ consent. Where time is sought to be abridged against a defendant so that it cuts down on the time of the defendant to file evidence or to prepare for defence or a trial or hearing, the burden on a party seeking to abridge time is even greater. Very special or urgent reasons must be shown and it is not enough to show that no injustice will be caused to the other party: Talent Hope Ltd v Magnificent Estates Ltd [1995] 3 HKC 593 (HC). See also Extension of time.
就時間而言,指作出任何行為或事情所准予減少、縮短或扣除的時間。法庭具有司法管轄權,藉命令將《高等法院規則》或任何判決、命令或指示規定或批准任何人在任何法律程序中作出任何作為的期限,予以縮短:《高等法院規則》 (第4A章) 第3號命令第5(1)條規則。除在迫切或得到有關一方的同意的情況外,縮短的命令並不常見。如在針對被控人的情況下,謀求縮短時間,因而減少被控人送交證據或準備抗辯或審訊或聆訊的時間,則謀求縮短時間的一方甚至有更大的責任。必須證明非常特別或迫切的理由,證明不會對另一方構成任何不公平的情況並非充分的證明:Talent Hope Ltd v Magnificent Estates Ltd [1995] 3 HKC 593 (高等法院)。另見 Extension of time。n.




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