

单词 Gold clause
释义 黃金條款
A clause inserted into a contract to protect the party who is entitled to receive payments in future against the risk of inflation or depreciation of the currency used for future payments. Parties to a contract are free to agree to such a clause unless it is against public policy: Ho Sun Lee Mahjong School v Shum Wai Kwan [1982] HKC 19 (HC). Also known as ‘gold value clause’. See also Bond; Consumer; Gold standard.
指載入合約內的條款,以保障合約中有權在將來收取款項的一方,免受通漲的風險或用作未來繳款的外幣貶值的風險。合約各方有就此等條款達成協議的自由,除非有關條款違反公共政策,則屬例外:Ho Sun Lee Mahjong School v Shum Wai Kwan [1982] HKC 19 (高等法院)。另稱「黃金價值條款」。另見 Bond; Consumer; Gold standard。




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