

单词 General words of conveyance
释义 轉易契的一般語句
Words that are implied into conveyances of land except where a contrary intention is expressed in the conveyance. The general words operate to include with a conveyance of land, all physical items such as fixtures, buildings, fences and watercourses and incidental incorporeal rights such as profits à prendre, easements and any other rights or advantages attaching to the land conveyed: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance(Cap 219) ss 16, 17. See also Conveyance; Fixture.
指除轉易契明訂的相反用意外,在土地轉易契中默示的語句。土地轉易契的一般語句的用途是將所有有形實物(例如固定附著物、建築物、柵欄和水道)及附帶的無體權利(例如土地收益權、地役權和其他連同有關轉易土地的權利或利益)包含在土地轉易契中:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第16條及17條。Conveyance; Fixture。




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