

单词 Acquittal
释义 裁定無罪
A finding that the accused is not guilty of the charge brought against him. It is not limited to the equivalent of a finding of ‘not guilty’ by a jury but also includes any formal order which purports to dispose of the case whereby the accused is discharged from further attendance before the court or a case where a judge purports to dismiss a charge because a prosecution witness failed to attend: A-G v Ma Chiu Keung [1988] 2 HKLR 64 (CA). An acquittal also extends to a determination that the accused has no case to answer: A-G v Sin Chi Keung [1995] 1 HKC 67 (CA). An acquittal by a jury in the High Court cannot be overturned, however perverse. The Secretary of Justice may also appeal from an acquittal in a magistrate court to a Judge of the High Court under the Magistrates Ordinance. See also Autrefois acquit.
就針對被控人提出的控罪,作出被控人無罪的裁斷。不限於由陪審團作出「無罪」的裁斷或類似的情況,但亦包括任何非正式的命令,即本意是處置被控人藉此無須進一步到法庭出庭的有關案件、或法官本意是因為控方證人沒有出庭而撤銷控罪的案件:A-G v Ma Chiu Keung [1988] 2 HKLR 64 (上訴法庭)。裁定無罪亦引申而適用於被控人毋須答辯的裁定:A-G v Sin Chi Keung [1995] 1 HKC 67 (上訴法庭)。 即使在高等法院由陪審團作出的無罪開釋判決有悖常情,但亦不可予以推翻。律政司司長亦可根據《裁判官條例》就裁判法院的裁定無罪向高等法院的法官提出上訴。另見 Autrefois acquit。 n.




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