

单词 Breach of parole
释义 違反假釋
The contravention of the terms and conditions of a parole order. There is no parole in Hong Kong. For similar arrangements, see breach of conditional release order: Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance (Cap 524) s 24; breach of supervision order: Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance (Cap 524) s 39. See also Parole; Parole order; Remission.
違反假釋令的條件。香港沒有假釋。相類安排見違反有條件釋放令:《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)第24條;及違反監管令:《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)第39條。另見 Parole; Parole order; Remission。




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