

单词 Casting vote
释义 決定票
The right to put up the deciding vote when a matter required to be decided by a majority vote resulted in equality of votes. Usually, that right is given to the person presiding at the meeting either by convention or by the rule called for the vote in question: Building Management Ordinance (Cap 344) sch III art 3(4). The person exercising the casting vote is merely under a duty to exercise it honestly and in accordance with the interests of those affected by the vote: R v Bardford Metropolitan City Counci, ex p Corris [1989] 3 All ER 156, [1990] 2 QB 363. See also General meeting.
當某事項以投票所得的多數票決定,而得出相同票數時,行使決定性一票的權利。通常該投票權會給予主持會議的人士,不論是根據公約或為該決議投票的規則:《建築物管理條例》(第344章)附表3第3(4)條。行使決定性一票的人僅負有責任誠實地及根據受該票影響的利益而行使:R v Bardford Metropolitan City Counci, ex p Corris [1989] 3 All ER 156, [1990] 2 QB 363。另見 General meeting。




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