

单词 Breaking bulk
释义 貨物分裝
Unpacking something contained; misappropriating property.
Criminal law - Interference by a bailee with the true owner’s rights in the property bailed, such as where the property is dealt with in a manner inconsistent with the rights of the true owner. An example is where the property is sold by the bailee contrary to the terms of the bailment: Rogers v Arnott [1960] 2 QB 244 (DC). Breaking bulk is an element of the offence of larceny by a bailee. At common law where a bailee obtained goods lawfully and later converted them to his or her own use, he or she is not liable for larceny unless there is some new act of taking, like breaking bulk before such conversion. Also known as ‘conversion’. See also Bailee; Bailment; Conversion; Larceny by a bailee.
Maritime law - The opening of the cargo being carried by a ship so as to unload it: Broadair Express Ltd v Chow Tin Kwei & Anor [1988] HKDCLR 5. Bulk may be broken in order to sell the cargo or to take samples. A clause may be included in a charterparty or bill of lading requiring the freight to be paid before breaking bulk. See also Bill of lading; Cargo; Charterparty; Freight; Ship.
刑事法 -   受託保管人干擾託管財產的真正擁有人於該財產的權利,例如處置該財產的方式與真正擁有人的權利不相符。例如受託保管人違反受託保管的條款出售有關的財產﹕Rogers v Arnott [1960] 2 QB 244(英國地方法院)。貨物分裝屬構成受託保管人所犯的盜竊罪的元素之一。在普通法上,凡受託保管人合法取得貨物,而其後將該貨物轉為己用,則除非有若干新的拿取行為,例如於轉為己用之前將財產分裝,否則他沒有盜竊罪的法律責任。另稱「轉為己用」。另見 Bailee; Bailment; Conversion; Larceny by a bailee。
海事法 -   將正以船運載的貨物開箱以卸下該貨物﹕Broadair Express Ltd v Chow Tin Kwei [1988] HKDCLR 5。為出售有關貨物或抽取樣本,可分裝散裝貨物。可於租船合約或提單上附加條款,規定須於貨物分裝之前支付運費。另見 Bill of lading; Cargo; Charterparty; Freight; Ship。




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