

单词 Assignment by operation of law
释义 藉法律的施行而轉讓
1. The transfer of an interest in an estate upon the occurrence of a specified event but without the intervention of a deliberate act of transfer. For example, the gaining of a title to property by an administrator upon an intestacy; the vesting of property in the trustee in bankruptcy upon adjudication of bankruptcy of a person: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 58(1). As no agreement to transfer the interest exists, it is not a true assignment: Tichborne v Weir (1892) 67 LT 735 (CA). 2. A deed by which a legal estate (usually the legal title) in land is transferred: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 4; New Territories Ordinance (Cap 97) s 13. See also Administration; Assignment; Bankruptcy.
1.於指明事件發生但無故意轉讓作為干預的情況下,轉讓遺業權益。例如,遺產管理人在無遺囑時獲得財產業權;某人一經被判定破產,破產人的財產即歸屬受託人:《破產條例》(第6章)第58(1)條。由於無轉讓協議,該權益依然存在,因此該轉讓並非真正轉讓:Tichborne v Weir (1892) 67 LT 735(英國上訴法院)。  2.據以轉讓土地的法定產業權(通常為法定所有權)的契據:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第4條;《新界條例》(第97章)第13條。另見 Administration; Assignment; Bankruptcy。




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