

单词 Burial
释义 埋葬

The interment of the remains of a deceased person (or stillborn child) into the ground or grave which is controlled by legislation. Unless under the written sanction or direction of a Registrar of Births and Deaths no person shall remove or bury a dead body until a certificate of registration of death has been issued, or an order to bury or cremate has been obtained from a coroner: Births and Deaths Ordinance (Cap 174) s 16. No person shall wilfully bury or procure to be buried the body of any deceased child as if it were still-born. No person shall bury or procure to be buried any still-born child, unless there is either a written certificate in the prescribed form that such child was not born alive, signed by a registered medical practitioner who was in attendance at the birth or has examined the body of such child; or an order of a coroner: Births and Deaths Ordinance (Cap 174) s 18. It includes cremation: Funeral Parlour Regulation (Cap 132AD) reg 3. It is a common law offence to burn or otherwise dispose of a dead body with intent thereby to prevent the holding of an inquest on that body in a case where the coroner has reasonable grounds for holding an inquest: R v Price (1884) 12 QBD 247. No more than one interment shall be allowed in any grave space at any one time except where the grave is non-exhumable; and the human remains of the second (or subsequent) burial are those of a close relative of the deceased first buried in the grave; and not more than one set of encoffined human remains is buried in the grave at any one time, unless the specific consent of the Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries is given in writing: Chinese Permanent Cemeteries Rules (Cap 1112A) r 16. Except with the written permission of a designated public officer, no person may bury any human remains, other than in a cemetery: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 118(1). In a deceased estate, the executor has a duty to arrange for the burial and has the common law right to custody and possession of the deceased’s body until it is properly buried: Williams v Williams [1881-5] All ER Rep 840, (1882) 20 Ch D 659. See also Body; Cremation; Death; Exhumation.
將死人(或死於胎中嬰孩)的遺骸埋葬在法例管制的場地或墓地。除獲生死登記官員書面批准或根據書面指示行事外,任何人在死亡登記證明書未發出前,或未取得死因裁判官作出的埋葬或火葬命令之前,不得搬移或埋葬任何屍體:《生死登記條例》(第174章)第16條。任何人均不得故意將已死的嬰兒,或促致他人將已死的嬰兒當作非活產的嬰兒埋葬。除非接獲當嬰兒出生時在場護理或曾檢驗嬰兒屍體的註冊醫生所簽署的符合訂明格式的證明書,證明嬰兒並非活產;或接獲死因裁判官的命令,否則任何人均不得埋葬或促使他人埋葬非活產的嬰兒:《生死登記條例》(第174章)第18條。埋葬包括火葬;《殯儀館規例》(第132AD章)第3條。如任何人以火燒或其他方式處理屍體,而意圖藉此阻止死因裁判官對該屍體進行有合理原因的死因研究,即屬普通法罪行:R v Price (1884) 12 QBD 247。在任何墳墓用地之內,不得同時有多於一次的安葬,除非墳墓不屬須起回骨殖的墳墓;及該墳墓第二次(或其後)埋葬的人類遺骸是屬於該墳墓首次埋葬的死者的近親的;及該墳墓內沒有同時埋葬多於一副已入殮的人類遺骸,但已獲華人永遠墳場管理委員會給予書面特別許可者除外:《華人永遠墳場規則》(第1112A章)第16條。除非有指定公職人員的書面准許,任何人均不得在並非墳場的地方埋葬人類遺骸:《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)第118(1)條。在處理死者遺產時,遺囑執行人有責任安排將死者遺體埋葬,並且有普通法上的權利保管及擁有死者的遺體直至入土為安為止:Williams v Williams [1881-5] All ER Rep 840, (1882)20 Ch D 659。另見 Body; Cremation; Death; Exhumation。n.





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