

单词 Permit
释义 許可證/准許證
Any document granting authority to do something which is not allowable without such authority. For example, permission may be needed to convey certain goods from one place to another over a particular route. Alternatively, a permit may amount to a lesser form of licence, enabling an applicant to gain experience in order to qualify for the grant of a full licence. See also Licence.
Criminal law - To authorise or intentionally allow. Actual knowledge of the fact is an essential element of the offence of permitting someone to do something, but such knowledge can be imputed: R v Cheng Ching Kwong [1986] 1 HKC 109 (CA). For example, knowledge may be established by proof that the accused shut his eyes to the obvious or allowed a servant, employee or agent to do an act, reckless as to whether he commits an offence or not: R v Cheng Ching Kwong, supra. See also Knowledge.
任何授予權限做某事情的文件,而沒有該權限則不可做。例如,按特定路線從一處搬運貨物往別處可能需要准許證。准許證亦可能是次等形式的特許文件,讓申請人在具備資格獲取完全的特許文件前前取得有關的經驗。另見 Licence。
刑法 - 授權或故意准許。實際知情是准許某人做某事的罪行的要素,而這種知識可以憑推定而當作犯罪人所具有的:R v Cheng Ching Kwong [1986] HKC 109(上訴法院)。舉例說,如證明被控人對明顯的事情視若無睹, 或容許受僱人、僱員或代理人作出某行為而罔顧他是否犯罪,便可確立被控人知情:R v Cheng Ching Kwong, 見上文。另見 Knowledge。n.




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