

单词 Burglary
释义 入屋犯法
1. Generally, any offence which involves unlawfully breaking into and entering a house or other building to steal property, usually at night: Holfort v Bailey 18 LJQB 109. 2. The statutory offence of entering a building, inhabited vessel or vehicle as a trespasser (or without consent of the owner) with intent to steal anything in it or to commit certain offences in it or to inflict grievous bodily harm on any person inside it: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 11. A licence to enter premises does not extend to the unauthorised taking of property belonging to other occupants of the premises in which case the licensee would be a trespasser: HKSAR v Ma Pui Ying [1998] 1 HKC 285 (CA). The fact that the occupier of the inhabited vessel is not present at the time when the act of burglary is committed is irrelevant: s 11(3). See also Trespass.
1. 概括而言,涉及非法破門入屋或其他建築物偷竊財物的任何罪行(通常在晚上):Holfort v Bailey 18 LJQB 109。  2. 作為侵入者(或在沒有有關擁有人的同意下)進入任何建築物、有人居住的船隻、或車輛,並意圖犯下述的任何罪行:偷竊在該建築物或其部分內的任何東西;在該建築物或其部分內犯若干罪行;或使在該處的任何人的身體受到嚴重傷害:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第 11條。進入處所的牌照並不會擴至在沒有授權的情況下取得屬於有關處所的其他佔有人的財產,在此等情況下,特許持有人屬於侵入者:HKSAR v Ma Pui Ying [1998] 1 HKC 285 (上訴法庭)。即使有人居住的船隻的佔用人事實上在入屋犯法的行為發生時並不在場,亦無關聯:第11(3)條。另見 Trespass。n.




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