

单词 Burden of proof
释义 舉證責任
Under the common law accusatorial system, the duty of one party (usually the party bringing the proceedings against another) to make out the case against the other party and to prove to the court that the case has been established. If at the conclusion of the trial he has failed to establish these to the appropriate standard, he will lose: Wakelin v London and South Western Rly Co (1886) 12 AC 41 (HL). The burden of proof has two components: the evidential burden and the legal burden: Brown v Rolls Royce Ltd [1960] 1 All ER 577, 1 WLR 210 (HL). The evidential burden denotes which party has the burden of establishing a prima facie case on an issue; the legal burden denotes which party will lose on an issue in cases of doubt. The legal burden lies on the party who alleges or asserts an issue: Chapman v Oakleigh Animal Products Ltd (1970) 8 KIR 1063 (CA). In criminal cases, the prosecution generally bears both the legal and evidential burden in relation to all facts in issue which relate to the guilt of the accused: Woolmington v DPP [1935] AC 462, All ER Rep 1 (HL). In civil cases, the plaintiff generally bears both the legal and evidential burden of proof in relation to all facts in issue which relate to establishing the cause of action. Also known as ‘onus of proof’. See also Balance of probabilities; Beyond reasonable doubt; Evidential burden; Legal burden; Standard of proof.
在普通法的控告制度下,一方(通常是提出法律程序針對他人的一方)有責任提出理由頂證對方,並向法庭證明已確立該案。但如果審訊結朿後,他仍未能證明所需的準則,則他會敗訴:Wakelin v London and South Western Rly Co (1886) 12 AC 41 (上議院)。舉證責任由兩個部分組成:即基於證據的責任和基於法律的責任:Brown v Rolls Royce Ltd [1960] 1 All ER 577,1 WLR 210 (上議院)。基於證據的責任即表示,哪一方有責任須證明某爭論點的表面證據成立;而基於法律的責任則表示,哪一方在爭論點上會因為證據出現疑點而敗訴。指稱或宣稱某爭論點的一方有基於法律的舉證責任:Chapman v Oakleigh Animal Products Ltd (1970) 8 KIR 1063 (上訴法院)。在刑事案件,就有關被告罪名的所有爭論點的事實而言,控方通常有基於法律及證據的舉證責任:Woolmington v DPP [1953] AC 462, All ER Rep 1 (HL)。在民事案件,就有關確立訴訟因的所有爭論點的事實而言,控方通常有基於法律及證據的舉證責任。英文另稱‘onus of proof’。另見 Balance of probabilities; Beyond reasonable doubt; Evidential burden; Legal burden; Standard of proof。




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