

单词 Business premises
释义 商用處所
Premises at which a business is undertaken or carried on. Business premises are defined to mean premises which are not domestic premises: Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 7) ss 2, 120A. They have been used wholly for purposes other than human habitation: s 2. For the purpose of determining whether premises are or have been used for human habitation, the following types of habitation are disregarded: habitation by caretakers or watchmen; habitation by office attendants or their families; habitation by a guest of a hotel or boarding house of a particular portion of the hotel or boarding house which is let to him by the keeper of the hotel or boarding house: s 2. Where premises are partially used as business premises and partially used as domestic premises, it has been held that such premises are domestic premises because such premises cannot be said to be ‘not domestic premises’: Yu Kuk v Cmr of Rating & Valuation & Anor [1985] HKLY 857. See also Business; Domestic premises; Premises.
營商的處所。商用處所的定義為不屬住用處所的處所:《業主與租客 (綜合)條例》(第7章)第2及120A條。這等處所須全部非為供人居住之用:第124A(2)條。為裁定處所是否供人居住之用,不會計算下列居住類別在內:供管理員或看守員居住者;供辦公室人員或其家人居住者;由主理酒店或旅館的人將該等酒店或旅館的任何個別部分出租予該酒店或旅館的客人居住者:第124A(3)條。如處所部份作為商用處所,而部份則作為住用處所,則已裁定該等處所為住用處所,因該等處所不可稱為「非住用處所」:Yu Kuk v Cmr of Rating and Valuation & Anor [1985] HKLY 857。另見 Business; Domestic premises; Premises。




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